Part 7 - Courses dashboard
- Finished Laravel exercise -> Part 6 - Database
- Finished Laravel -> Shop: master section
- Finished Laravel -> Shop: detail section
- Configure Debug Livewire
- New Livewire component for courses: CoursesOverview
- Custom pagination
- Preloader
- Show a dashboard of courses, sorted alphabetically
- Use Tailwind to design a minimalistic card per course
- Card should include:
- Programme name
- Course name
- Course description
- Button to manage students
- Show a form for filtering (the functionality will be added in part 8)
- One text input
- One dropdown list with all the programmes
- One dropdown list with the amount of records per page
- Result:
- Detail modal for the selected course
- Name of course
- Description of course
- List of students enrolled in course
- Semester 1/2 in parentheses
- Result:
- Disable buttons for courses which don't have any students
- Result: